Can Ferrets Chew Through Plastic?

Ferret running in water

One of the most common and fatal behavioral problems in ferrets is chewing. Ferrets can chew through plastic and even rubber. Unfortunately, this does not always end up well. Swallowing plastic items can lead to an intestinal blockage. So, Can Ferrets Chew Through Plastic?

Well, these pets are also very mischievous. Your ferret will steal and drag small items back to his cage. It could be your earplugs, keys or anything he finds interesting. It is the reason why I always insist on ferret proofing your house.

I must also say that the tiny sharp ferret teeth can chew through wires and even plastic cages. If you are just getting started, you must not purchase plastic or rubber items.

What is your ferret most likely to chew?

Well, as jumpy as they are, ferrets are also very curious. They want to get on everything around them. Your ferret will sniff, mouth and play with anything he finds fascinating. Some of their favorite items to chew include the following;

  • Wires and electric cords
  • Plastic caging is definitely not suitable
  • Shoe inserts
  • TV remote control
  • Erasers
  • Rubber toys

Now, when you bring your ferret home, you will need a thorough ferret proofing. You will need to remove all the small or rubbery items from the room you will let him access. Therefore, I advise against letting your ferret out into the living room.

Also, ensure that all the drawers are all closed. If you are going to keep your earplugs in the bedroom, then make sure that your ferret cannot reach them.

By ferret proofing, your house, not only are you going to keep your stuff intact but also protect your ferret from having a medical emergency?

Can a ferret fall ill from chewing plastic items?

Ferrets, as I have already mentioned, can chew through plastic and rubber items. Unfortunately, this is not going to be great for him either. He might come down with an intestinal blockage. It is very fatal for ferrets and other pets and will need emergency surgery.

It another reason you must ferret proof of your house. Well, you will need to get him out of his cage for about 4 hours a day. During this time, your ferret will play with you and also explore the surroundings. Ensure that he cannot access anything he is likely to chew and swallow.

I prefer using the bedroom to play, especially because there are a lot of small items in the living room. However, I also ensure that all the drawers and cabinets are well closed. Then I can let my ferret free to play around.

If you are afraid that your ferret could have swallowed something, observe for symptoms of a blockage. Sometimes intestinal obstruction will not exhibit any symptoms until it is prolonged. Some of the signs and symptoms of an intestinal blockage include the following:

  • Vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Distended tummy
  • No pooping
  • Lethargy
  • Weight loss due to refusal to eat

You must seek medical attention immediately you observe any of these signs.

At what age do ferrets tend to chew the most?

Well, kits have a tendency of exploring everything they get onto. Most of these young ferrets will chew on items but they eventually grow out of it. However, this is not to say you should be comfortable living small items lying around.

You should take precautions regardless of the age of your ferret. Ferrets of all ages can chew and even swallow small items and toys. Therefore, do not ignore the ferret proofing the house.

As mentioned above, if your ferret is showing any of the above-discussed symptoms, seek vet assistance immediately. He might require urgent surgery to remove the object causing the blockage.

How can you prevent your ferret from chewing on items?

Chewing is one of the most destructive behaviors in ferrets. They will chew through plastic toys and items and destroy everything they can. Some ferrets will chew and destroy remote control and even children’s toys.

Above, I have emphasized how important it is to keep your ferret from chewing through stuff. It is not only because it is destructive but it can be quite fatal for ferrets. Intestinal blockage is life-threatening for the small pets.

Well then, how else do you make sure that your ferret does not chew or swallow any harmful objects? The best preventive measure for chewing plastic is keeping it away from your ferret. I mean, you must be keen about what is lying around before you let your ferret into a room.

Keep all plastic or rubber items from your ferret’s reach. Remember that these pets are fast, mischievous and can climb! Therefore, you would rather just put these items away completely. It is why I would advise you to ferret proof a room just for your ferret.

Do not buy rubber toys for your ferret. While these might work for dogs, they are dangerous to ferrets. I have outlined all the dangers of chewing plastic and rubber above.

Conceal all the electric cables around the house. Ferrets can also chew through these cords and swallow small plastic chips. This can result in a very fatal obstruction case. Untreated blockage can lead to death.

What toys should I get my ferret? See toys here

Well, now that we have established that ferrets can chew through plastic, there is a need to be careful when choosing toys for him. Stay away from plastic and rubber toys. If you are going for any plastic toys, ensure that it is made of sturdy material.

Your ferret should not be able to chew through these toys. Also, you can opt to purchase stuffed animals for your ferrets. However, ensure that your ferret does not pull out the hard eyes on these toys. Also, it should not have any tears that would spill all the stuffing. Your ferret could end up chewing these too.

Whatever toys you choose make sure that they are safe for your ferret. Provide a couple of toys to provide as much entertainment as possible for your ferret.


Ferrets can chew through plastic and rubber. Unfortunately, this is bad for both of you as it could cost you those new Airpods you bought. At the same time, your ferret could end up with a dangerous intestinal blockage. Thus, you must ensure that your ferret does not have access to plastic and rubber items around the house.

Only go for ferret-safe toys. Also, ensure that your ferret is under adult supervision when playing out of his cage. Make sure that he does not steal items to chew or hide in his cage.

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