Why Do Cats’ Tails Puff Up When Playing?

Cats are enigmatic creatures whose behaviors don’t always make sense to us. Since cats have been domesticated for so long, we have gotten better at reading our cat’s body language, which has helped us be more in tune with our feline friend’s needs and wants. A cat’s tail can sometimes tell us more than the rest of the cat’s body combined!
Other pets, like dogs, have simple tail languages: wagging for happiness, tucked under for fear, and still when relaxed or sleeping. Cats, on the other hand, are a little more complicated. A cat’s tail can tell us almost everything!
With this fluffy appendage, cats can display curiosity, fear, that they sense danger, happiness, contentment, and even annoyance. But what about a puffed tail? Why do cats’ tails puff up when playing?
Cats puff up their tails while playing because it means they enjoy themselves and are excited, like goosebumps in humans. Usually, a puffy tail means fear, but a puffy tail curled forward and accompanied by playful behavior is just a sign of your cat having fun.
In this article, we’ll explain everything you’ve ever wanted to know about playful cats and their puffy tails!
Why Do Cats’ Tails Puff Up When Playing?
If you’ve owned cats, especially kittens, you know that they love to play fight. To someone inexperienced with cat ownership, two cats playing can look like a legitimate fight, especially if you have a vocal cat!
This type of play is great for cats of all ages. When they are young, it teaches them how to hunt, interact with other cats, and even defend themselves against danger. For adult cats, play fighting helps keep their skills sharp and allows cats to bond together.
Still, this play fighting can look quite dangerous. One thing a lot of people notice is that when cats are play fighting, they will have a puffed-up tail. What could this mean?
When playing, a cat’s tail will puff up because they are excited. A cat playing will have very different body language from an upset or frightened cat, but both playing and fear can cause a puffed-up tail, so pay close attention to make sure your kitty isn’t actually distressed!
A house cat’s behaviors can have multiple meanings, and a puffed-up tail is the perfect example of that. Usually, a bad sign, a puffed-up tail during play can certainly be confusing if you’ve never seen it before.
Knowing the difference between a playful puffed tail and a fearful one is essential. Let’s look at these differences!
Cats with a playful puffed up tail:
- Will have erect ears
- May wiggle or shake their tail
- May curl their tail forward, like a question mark
- Will pounce on things, or other cats, they are playing with
Cats with a tail puffed up from fear:
- Will have laid back ears
- Might hiss or growl
- May swipe with its claws
- Might have the hair on the rest of their body standing on end
Once you’ve seen (or heard!) an angry or frightened cat, the experience will be unforgettable. Cats that are upset will do everything in their power to look intimidating, hoping to scare off whatever is making them anxious.
Do Cats’ Tails Puff When Happy?
Yes, a cat’s tail can puff up when they’re happy or playful. Cats can get excited about all sorts of things, from feeding time to seeing a special human friend, and this happiness and excitement can lead to a puffed-up tail.
A cat’s tail puffing up is a phenomenon called piloerection. This reaction isn’t limited just to cats, though. All sorts of animals can puff up when they are excited, including the goosebumps we humans sometimes get!
A cat’s tail can display such a wide array of emotions that it can be hard to remember each of them.
Just keep in mind that a tail that is puffed up combined with ears that are laid flat can mean something negative like fear or anger, while a puffed-up tail accompanied by perky ears usually implies happiness.
Do Cats’ Tails Puff Up When Scared?
Yes, cats will also puff up their tail when they are scared.
Most cat owners are more familiar with a puffy tail and body on a cat when the cat is frightened. This is why a puffed-up cat with an arched back is such a popular symbol for Halloween, the holiday of being scared!
Many different things can scare cats, and it will depend on your cat’s personality and how they will react to things that scare them.
Why Does My Cat’s Tail Puff Up When I Pet Her?
A cat’s tail will raise up and puff slightly when you’re petting it because they enjoy your love and affection. A raised and even puffed tail while petting signifies approval and can even mean that they want you to continue petting them.
A raised tail is almost always a cheerful bit of body language that your cat can show you. Your cat is happy if its tail is raised straight into the air, but your kitty is curious if the tip is hooked.
A raised tail that seems to rattle like a rattlesnake is your cat, letting you know it’s in a playful mood and that it’s time to break out the laser or their favorite feather toy!
Petting a cat is undoubtedly more complicated than it needs to be, with some parts of their body being completely off-limits, like their bellies, and other spots being almost universally loved, like behind the ears!
Positive body language like a raised, slightly puffed tail is a great way to determine if they are enjoying the spot you are petting or not. If your cat’s tail is lashing back and forth while you pet them, they aren’t happy, and it’s probably time to pick a different area to pet.
Cat Puffy Tail and Purring?
A cat with a puffy tail that is also purring is feeling extra content and happy.
Purring is one of the more mysterious behaviors cats exhibit, but one thing is for sure: cats purr when they are happy.
For some cats, this means that they purr as they fall asleep. Other cats might purr while playing, but purring does seem to be a more relaxed behavior.
You might even hear your kitty purring when they are kneading a blanket or other soft spot to lay down. This behavior is also known adorably as “making biscuits.”
If you have a cat puffing up its tail while purring, it’s probably because it is happy to see you and trusts you fully.
If your cat approaches you like this, give them all the love and affection they want because having a cat truly trust you is a rare gift!
Why Do Cats Puff up Tail and Run Sideways?
While puffing up and running sideways is behavior more commonly seen in kittens, some adult cats retain this hilarious maneuver even into adulthood.
Puffing up and hopping sideways usually means that your cat is extra playful, but rarely, it can be a sign of fear.
As we said earlier, kittens use playing to learn crucial skills they’ll use as an adult. When a kitten puffs up and hops sideways, they try to appear bigger and scarier than they are to scare away a hypothetical threat.
Most times, this ‘threat’ will be one of their littermates or their mother because playtime is also practice time!
Kittens spend an enormous amount of time playing, and this time with their littermates is extra important if you want the kitten to grow up properly socialized.
Adult cats do the same sort of behavior for almost the same reasons. Appearing large is one of the main defensive maneuvers a cat has before they must go on the offense, and their puffy appearance combined with hissing and spitting can deter all but the most determined threats.
Adult cats can also puff up and hop sideways because they are in an extra playful, silly mood. If you always laugh and give your cat attention during this display, it will encourage them to do it more often.
Final Thoughts
- Cats will puff up their tails while playing because they are having fun and want to play more.
- A cat with a puffy tail can also be frightened or angry, but if their ears are perky, they’re probably just feeling excited.
- A cat’s tail can tell you many things about how your cat is feeling, so watch the tail closely when trying to determine your cat’s emotions.
- Know the difference between a playfully puffed-up tail and an angrily puffed-up tail. If your cat is fearful or angry, it’s a good idea to find whatever makes it feel that way and resolve the problem.