How Long Before Dogs Can Walk on New Concrete?

If you’ve just had a beautiful new concrete driveway installed, your dog may have a difficult time staying off of it! Here are some great tips for keeping your pets off of your new concrete and how long it will take until they can walk on it.
Timeline for Protecting New Concrete
After 24 Hours
It is best to wait at least 24 hours before walking on new concrete after it has been poured. It is not recommended for dogs to walk on the newly poured concrete at this point because the cement will still scuff and scratch easily. Dogs have claws that are more likely to scratch the surface than human feet, even if we wear shoes.
After three days
After three days, your dog can start walking on the concrete. But you should still avoid wild games on the concrete with your dog for a few more days.
After a week
It typically takes a week for concrete to harden so normal passenger vehicles can drive on the concrete after a week. It would be best if you still were cautious of driving near or across the edges of your driveway. Some larger vehicles should wait longer than others. But you can certainly play with your dog here now, without any problems.
Factors That Affect How Long Before Your Dog Can Walk on Concrete
Water-Concrete Ratio
The water-concrete ratio is a key factor in determining how long it will take before dogs can walk on new concrete. Too much or too little water can cause problems in the mixture or make it stronger and more durable. Follow the instructions from the manufacturer to get the proper ratio of water for your specific needs.
The actual setting time for concrete depends on what temperature you are working with. The most important factor in how long it will take before dogs can walk on it is whether or not the mix of water and cement is too hot or cold. Wind also accelerates the setting time.
Tips for keeping pets away from new concrete
You just spent a lot of money on your new driveway or patio! You want to keep it looking nice and pristine without having to worry about pesky animals getting in the way. To help prevent your pets from creating a permanent pawprint or creating unsightly stains, here are some tips you can use to keep them off of your new concrete.
1) Always keep your pets on a leash or inside so they don’t accidentally sneak out to the concrete slab. Make sure the concrete is completely dry before letting them outside.
2) Ask your neighbors to keep their pets inside for a couple of days after finishing your new concrete.
3) If you have many pets or wild animals lurking around in your neighborhood, it may be best to install a chicken fence to keep them away. Don’t forget that wild birds can fly, so make sure to cover the whole thing and make it almost like a cage.
When can a puppy walk on concrete?
Newborn puppies cannot walk on concrete. The best way to prevent this from happening is by walking your dogs around in the grass or other soft surfaces until they are a few months old and their feet have toughened up.
It would be best not to take puppies on concrete until they reach six to twelve months of age. After that, you can start taking your pup out for walks once in a while to build up their endurance and get them used to the idea of walking on hard surfaces.
Can dogs walk on concrete?
Generally, adult dogs enjoy walking on almost any surface, including concrete. But you should keep in mind that your dogs’ paws are as sensitive as humans’ feet and just as likely to get burnt due to hot pavement or concrete.
Considering that concrete can get as hot as 135 degrees Fahrenheit (57 degrees Celsius) on a hot summer day, it is no surprise that dogs’ paws are susceptible to burning. The hot surface can become searingly hot, causing burns or blisters on their paw pads.