Angry Ferret Noise. What are They Saying?

Ferrets are not exactly vocal creatures. However, this does not mean that your ferret will remain silent at all times. While they make happy noises such as dooking, ferrets can get furious in certain situations. In this article, we are going to look at angry ferret noise as well as how to handle aggression.
Angry Ferret Noise. Do ferrets get angry?
Ferrets are known to be sociable and friendly pets. However, as with all creatures, they do have their limits and moments. They do experience emotional upset, even though it can be difficult to tell from physical pain. So, to answer this question, ferrets do get angry.
I always urge pet owners to do as much research as they can before bringing their chosen pets home. You can take a look at my ferret care guide at the end. After all, if you do not understand your ferret, you may not be able to understand what makes them happy or sad.
The good news is, you can be able to tell that your ferret is unhappy. If you observe and listen to your ferret, you will be able to tell what makes him irritable. He can express his anger through vocalization as outlined below;
Ferret hissing
As cats do, ferrets hiss when they are angry. It is an unmistakable ferret noise and it should serve as a warning for the opponent to back off. If you have ever had a cat hissing, you will identify this noise as it is similar.
So why a ferret would be so upset that he starts hissing? In most cases, a ferret will hiss at another ferret or pet. If you have two ferrets in the cage, they will hiss at each other and even fight to establish dominance.
If your ferret is hissing at you, it is probably best to leave him alone. Well, angry pets do not need soothing. Rather they require some time alone to settle down. If you were holding him when he started hissing, put him in his cage with enough food, water, and comfort.
However, if your ferret starts hissing when you are not with him, check up on him to ensure that he is safe. If there is nothing bothering him, you should let him be.
Whining and whimpering
This is probably the widely known sad ferret noise. I mean, some ferrets will whimper when they need attention. Sometimes it could be that your ferret is frightened or feeling threatened. To understand why your ferret is whimpering, you must consider the context.
For instance, if you find your ferret whimpering in his cage, maybe your cat or dog passed by. If your ferret is not used to having other pets around, he could feel threatened.
Do not ignore whimpering as it can also be an indication that your ferret is ill. Extreme pain can cause your ferret to whine and whimper. Observe for any other signs of pain or illness such as lethargy, weight loss, or when your ferret is sleeping for more than usual.
Not only is this the worst sound you can hear from your ferret but it is also concerning. Well, a ferret screaming indicates that they are extremely pissed off. If you have two ferrets in the same cage, there is a chance that they will scream playfully.
However, even playful fights can leave your ferrets injured. Well, you should separate the fight if it gets too extreme. You do not want your ferrets to hurt one another.
Should your ferret scream when you are playing or grooming him, maybe it is because he is injured. Check for any swellings on his skin as well as bruises. If he has been in a fight with another ferret, he could have gotten scratched.
Teeth grinding
Ferrets also make an irritating sound while grinding their teeth. Well, it is usually as a result of sadness and sometimes he could be ill. Well, I must mention that ferrets are very good at hiding injuries or general pain.
If he seems unwell, I advise you to check with your vet. It could be that your ferret is feeling a little under the weather.
While ferrets could have various sounds, they remain to be friendly. It does not mean that ferrets cannot exhibit aggressive behavior.
How to deal with an aggressive ferret
Ferrets are sociable and friendly pets. However, they can get quite angry some times, and as I have discussed above, you can be able to tell by their vocalization. The best way to deal with an aggressive ferret is to leave them alone.
Other ferrets might exhibit aggressive behavior such as biting. Well, baby ferrets are in the habit of biting people, and other pets as well. It is considered a development stage, but be warned. It will not go away until you teach him how not to bite.
Biting inhibition in ferrets is done the same way as cats and dogs. The purpose of this is to let your ferret know that it is unacceptable to bite people or other pets.
If your ferret is feeling aggressive towards you, I suggest you pick him up, preferably by scruffing him, and put him back in his pen. Well, in most scenarios, ferrets will exhibit aggression to other ferrets. So if you have two of them, you might want to prepare to separate fights occasionally.
New ferrets could be a little scared. As a result, they will use aggression, and angry noises to warn you. For instance, a new ferret could keep whimpering in his cage. He is probably trying to adjust to the new environment, which could feel scary and threatening.
You should help them settle in well by leaving a shirt or cloth that you have worn. This will help him master and adjust your scent, which is a great beginning of a great relationship. Also, try to spend some time playing and petting your ferret. Once a ferret gets used to the new environment, he will rarely exhibit aggression.
Ferrets will cry, scream, grind their teeth and sometimes bite when they are angry. However, hissing is the most common angry noise that ferrets make. So has your ferret been irritable lately? You should ensure that he is not ill, and also provide emotional support. Comfortable housing will also minimize the chances of your ferret getting angry.